Bancassurance products

Bancassurance products

We cannot always control what happens in our lives, but we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from unpredictable life events. Secure your family and your valuables by insuring them with Dangme Rural Bank PlC Bancassurance underwritten by StarLife Assurance and Activa International Insurance.



  • Insurance cover to meet life Contingencies
  • Competitive returns on investment
  • Flexible and optional term at the outset of the plan
  • Attractive premium and benefit increment options to hedge against inflation
  • Easy access to Plan funds by way of Plan loans to pay for school fees


  • Absolute peace of mind
  • Cash benefit for school fees
  • Policy loans to meet other educational expenses
  • Hedged against inflation
  • Enjoy child disability cover
  • Waiver of premium benefit in event of 
  1. Total and permanent disability
  2. Dread disease
  3. Retrenchment



  • A flexible conventional endowment plan
  • Death benefit same as Sum Assured
  • A hybrid of attractive life and investment benefit
  • A waiting period of 90 days
  • No further contribution in the event of total and permanent disability


  1. It gives you absolute peace of mind. You know your maturity value from inception
  2. This amount can be increase substantially through the application of benefit increase option which serves as inflation protector.
  3. Has attractive life cover same as sum assured
  4. A plan loan can be accessed after 24 months of contributions
  5. Adequate financial provision in the event of permanent disability
  6. Dependent on your goal and ability you choose a plan suitable for you.



  1. Minimize the financial impact associated with death on the surviving members of your family
  2. Ensure the surviving members of your family go through a smooth transition during the difficult period.
  3. Provide you with peace of mind knowing that the funeral expenses will be covered in the event of your death of that of a family member.

Benefits of the Homecall Plan

  • It gives you absolute peace of mind
  • Provides you with high benefit cover.
  • You pay an affordable premium
  • Benefit are hedged against inflation
  • You qualify for cash bonus if no claim is made over every three years period
  • Your surviving loved ones enjoy a waiver of Premium which assures them of all the benefits of the product even at the earlier demise of account holder.
  • Free cover for all covered members when policy holder attains age 65
  • Enough money to make claims on your love ones



The Activ’Lady program seeks to impact on the lives of women in Ghana regardless of their social background or life stage by providing solutions that will empower them to bring an active change in their lives and drive the agenda for financial inclusion. It creates a platform for women to learn, network and share valuable experiences that adds value to every facet of their lives. There are three categories of the Activ’Lady


The features and benefits of the Avtiv’lady are;


  • It involves a strategy and customer value proposition that serves women entrepreneurs and professionals.
  • Creating a platform for them to grow their business beyond subsistence levels.
  • It provides them with systems and structure that facilitate effective risk management and business growth.
  • Death benefit for loss of spouse
  • Birth benefit for policy holder
  • It an annually premium
  • Flexible payments of premium
  • The policy covers you 24/7 and anywhere in Ghana


  • It provides compensation for damage to the content of the insured shop.
  • It gives you cover for damage to third party property whilst in your premises and injury to third party whilst in your premises
  • Provides compensation for medical expense incurred as a result of bodily injury cause by accidental.
  • Provides compensation for theft or pilfering of content of an insured business or shop.
  • Provides compensation for loss of profit following a loss covered under fire policy


Contact us for your Motor Insurance, Travel Insurance, Home Insurance, Personal Accident, Fire and Aliied perils, etc

For more information on our Bancassurance services, please contact any of our branches.